Anxiety can be a heavy burden and to most
people, it may be a terrible nightmare and a hard psychological
condition to deal with. Individuals have fear for many things, some
worry about life, others about their loved ones and better still, other
worry about what they will eat, where they will sleep and what they will
wear. God knows all these, He understands when you go through such
predicaments, and that is why there are bible verses on anxiety help you
handle fear and uncertainties.
An individual galloped by anxiety always feel dejected, doomed and alone. For them, not even a single thing around them works right and nothing in life seems to have any meaning. Though at this point your life may seem to have fallen into pieces, the following biblical quotations will help you fight fear easily.
Isaiah 54:7-10: For a short time, the Lord abandoned you, but with a deeper compassion, He will bring you back. In a gush of anger, He did hide His face from you, but with a forever kindles He will have a greater love on you. To him, this is like a season of Noah when He declared that the waters would not destroy the earth and even if the mountains shake and the mounts move, yet the unconditional love He has for you will never be shaken or His covenant of people be removed.
Matthew 6:31-34: Do not worry about what you will eat, what you will drink or what you will wear. For your Heavenly Father understands that you are in pursuit of all these things. Nevertheless, seek first the kingdom of Heaven and the righteousness of the kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you as well.
Psalm 23:4-5: Though you will walk in the valleys of the tragic trauma and death, do not be afraid because the Lord is with you. His rod and staff shall comfort you. He will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies and make your cup overflow with blessings.
Philippians 4:6-7: you are advised never to be anxious about anything in your life. Instead, in all things with supplications and prayers, always make your request known to your heavenly father. Afterwards, the peace of the Almighty, which is more powerful than the wisdom of men shall protect your hear and mind ion Christ.
Matthews 6:26: Take a closer look at the birds of the air. These do not sow and do not reap, they also never will gather food to store, and yet the Father in Heaven who created you feeds them everyday. You are of more value than the birds of the air.
The bible still has more bible verses on anxiety, all of which you can use when you are not sure about yourself and anything around you. The phrase, fear not, has been mentioned for about three hundred and sixty times in the bible. This is a more reason why you should never be sad; each day has a solution of its own.
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